Meditation schedule, rules and regulations 禅修者作息时间表及应遵守的规则

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Meditation Schedule (禅修者作息时间表)
3.30 am Waking up mindfully (起身保持正念)
4.00 am Morning Recitations and taking eight precepts (早课与持八戒)
4.30 am Walking meditation (行禅)
5.30 am Sitting meditation(坐禅)
6.15 am Line up for breakfast (排队备用早餐)
6.30 am Breakfast and repose(早餐及休息)
7.30 am Walking meditation (行禅)
8.30 am Sitting meditation(坐禅)
9.30 am Walking meditation (行禅)
10.45 am Line up for lunch(排队备用午餐)
11.00 am Lunch(午餐)
12.00 pm Rest and private meditation (休息及个别修禅)
1.00 pm Walking meditation (行禅)
2.00 pm Sitting meditation(坐禅)
3.00 pm Walking meditation (行禅)
4.00 pm Sitting meditation(坐禅)
5.00 pm Walking meditation (行禅)
6.00 pm Sitting meditation(坐禅)
7.00 pm Walking meditation (行禅)
8.00 pm Sitting meditation(坐禅)
9.00 pm Evening Recitations (晚课)
9.30 pm Lying down meditation and sleep (卧禅及睡眠)

Note (注释):
1) Dhamma talks are conducted thrice a week on every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday at 7.30 pm. Attendance is compulsory for all Yogis.
一)禅师将在每星期天、星期三和星期五, 傍晚七时三十分在大殿开示佛法。全体禅修者必需出席听闻佛法开示。

2) Yogis will meet the meditation teacher thrice a week for interview sessions with regards to their meditation progress. Interviews are conducted on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Yogis must wait at the Main Shrine hall before 3 pm.

Rules and Regulations for Yogis/Meditators 
1. Yogis must dress decently, preferably white T-shirts and dark coloured trousers or maxi skirts. Female yogis should not wear white see through blouses, trousers or maxi skirts.


2. Please remember to switch off the lights, fans and heater after use.

) 禅修者用完本修行林的一切设备后,请记得关掉电灯以及其他电器。

3. For the safety of all female yogis, the last yogi must remember to lock the grille door after evening recitations.


4. Yogis have to wash the mosquito net, cushion covers, blanket and pillow case before going home.


5. Yogis must attend daily morning and evening recitations as well as Dhamma talks that are held at 7.30p.m. every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday.


6. Yogis are requested to keep interview session short (about 10 minutes per session) especially when there are many yogis waiting for interview. This is so as not to tire the meditation teacher. Yogis must discuss only matters pertaining to their meditation.


7. Female yogis must be ready to share rooms. Room changing is not allowed without the prior permission of the meichi-in-charge.


8. Yogis are advised to observe noble silence within Buddhist Hermitage Lunas compound (including their rooms, washing area and corridors.).

八)禅修者应尽量在修行林的范围里 (这包括房间、洗衣服的地方和走廊) 保持肃静。

9. Yogis must meditate in the Main Shrine hall and not in their rooms.


10. Yogis must concentrate on their meditation. Other unrelated activities are prohibited (This includes the reading of Dhamma books).


11. Yogis must not take extra food to feed animals within Buddhist Hermitage Lunas compound.


12. Yogis must maintain mindfulness at all times.


13. Yogis should pay respect to the meditation teacher before going home after their retreat.
